
Monday, April 28, 2008

Federal panel seeks clearer warnings on Lasik eye surgery (AP)

David Shell shows a chart of his vision after having Lasik surgery while speaking at a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hearing in Gaithersburg, Md., Friday, April 25, 2008, to discuss Lasik surgery. (AP Photo/Luis M. Alvarez)AP - In fury and despair, patients harmed by Lasik eye surgery told federal health advisers Friday of severe eye pain, blurred vision and even a son's suicide. The advisers recommended that the government warn more clearly about the risks of the purchase bulk ginkgo biloba nutritional supplements popular operations.

People who wish they can just take a magical pill and all their health problems will be solved seem to think so. Companies that spend billions of dollars producing supplements make wholesale fructo-oligosaccharides fos believe that you Yes, some companies do make supplements that are better absorbed by the body then others, but the question is: do you REALLY NEED a supplement?

Think about it this way: our bodies can get their nutrients from the foods that eat. In griffonia seed 5-htp htp if we start taking supplements we might wrongly think we are healthy enough that we dont need to eat properly. Also, the nutrients that we take in from these supplements might actually interfere in the absorption of other vitamins and minerals. For example zinc hinders copper and calcium absorption, iron hinders zinc absorption, calcium hinders iron absorption (from Nutrition Concepts and Controversies by Frances Sizer and E. Whitney). Besides, many times we can overdose on vitamins and minerals if we take a supplement and that can cause many health problems.

Overdosing on vitamins and minerals in pretty common, unfortunately, and people dont even realize it. One report from the Center of Disease Control estimated nutrient overdoses in 1990 at more than 1300, and people are taking more supplements today then they did then! Many people prescribe themselves all different sorts of supplements and they really think they are doing it for their health. Unfortunately, they might be causing themselves more harm than good.

It is best to get your vitamins and minerals, as Glycine 1 as other nutrients, directly from the foods we eat. We need to learn to eat a balanced diet made up of lots of veggies, fruits, whole grains, proteins and a small amount of fat, while reducing the amount of refined sugar we take in. We need to eat a variety of different colored fruits and veggies, including berries that are high in antioxidants. The protein we take in should come from lean meats, poultry or fish, as well as legumes and yogurt.

There ARE some people that MAY need to take supplements. The book Nutrition Controversies and Concepts by F. Sizer tells us what groups of people do:

-Pregnant women buy wholesale conjugated linoleic acid need iron)
-Newborns (may need a doses of vitamin K
-Those who are lactose intolerant (may need extra calcium)
-Habitual dieters (since they might not eat sufficient amounts of food)
-Elderly people who have trouble chewing
-Those with various diseases like AIDS, purchase bulk ellagic acid nutrition supplement etc.
-Drug and alcohol addicts
-Those recovering from surgery, burns, injury and illness
-Strict vegetarians (may need B12, D, iron and zinc)

In conclusion, if you dont fit in any of the categories mentioned above, dont take a supplement unless your doctor recommends that you do. It is important that you eat a buy wholesale fos online diet that includes lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, protein, fiber and a small amount of fat. buy wholesale dmae-bitartrate you do need to take a supplement, decide what type you would like to take chewable, liquid or pill. Remember, if you take a chewable one and it has vitamin C, make sure you chew it quickly and then rinse your mouth out with water since vitamin C on your teeth for a long period of time may erode your teeth. Also, make sure that the amounts listed on the bottle are below or the same as the RDA. When it comes to nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, more is NOT necessarily better!

Mirdza Hayden
Helping People Lead Healthier Lives


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