
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

US ban on visitors with HIV could end soon (AP)

AP - A two-decade ban on people with HIV visiting or immigrating to the United States may end soon through a Senate bill aimed at fighting AIDS and other diseases in Africa and other poor areas of the world.

Life gets busy and schedules get shifted. That's why it's a good idea to have your gym bag with you, packed and ready to go, in your car trunk or at your office. You never know when you might be able to squeeze in an unexpected workout.

You could say the same thing about nutrition. Everyone wants to eat well, and with some planning, everyone can. But sometimes life intrudes a bit. And if your eating plan gets thrown for a loop, you might be tempted to make a bad nutritional choice.

Your body needs the proper fuel in order to function at maximum capability. You can prevent mental malnutrition with nutritional supplements.

Think of the human body as a machine which takes in fuel that, must be burned properly to release energy and drive its component parts. When the fuel (food) is combined with oxygen, it forms oxides, and energy is released, allowing the machine to perform.

This process, called oxidation, does not happen spontaneously. It requires some form of energy to start the process in the same way an automobile needs a spark plug to start the engine.

That's where nutritional supplements can assist. Whether they're used as a meal replacement, for refueling or for quick energy, there's a huge range of nutritional products out there that might merit a spot in your gym bag.

The supplement industry has exploded in recent years, so it can be difficult to know where to start. It pays to look closely at what your'e buying. Some convenient portable products for the gym bag, especially protein powders, shakes and bars. But, be cautious to do some homework.

A lot of people think that all bars are equal, or that if something is on the nutrition shelf it must be healthy. That's not always accurate. A lot of bars are as heavy in sugar as a candy bar, and most people don't need that.

The bottom line? Choose your products based on what you want to accomplish, and research carefully. For example, there are bars with low sugar and high protein that can be good for refueling within 45 minutes after workouts. If you're a long distance runner, a carbogydrate-heavy energy bar before a workout might be a good choice because you're burning the calories during the run.

Also remember that you need to consider the calories in nutritional supplements just as you would any other food. Don't give yourself a free pass just because they're sports products or because you're using them for exercise.

You really do have to fit them into your total caloric intake for the day. If you eat 1,600 calories worth of food and two 400-calorie bars a day, there's a good chance the bars are going to cause you to gain weight.

The most important thing, is to remember that supplements are just that -supplements- and that they need to be used with planning and understanding.

Today's artificial, man-made foods are severely lacking in vitamins, making supplements necessary. Vitamins, minerals and other non-caloric nutrients in sufficient amounts, help to re-tune the human machine.

You need to use them within the context of a proper diet and a good workout program. Within that, bars and protein drinks can play a part in l-ornithine a-ketoglutarate okg you reach your goals. A product won't make you change overnight; it's about the whole lifestyle.

Steven Johnson is committed to helping people maintain healthy and effective lifestyles. For more information on any other health supplements please visit his website Alternative Health Supplements at


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